Saturday, March 27, 2010

The blog blog

Alright, so far I think I'm addicted. Our family always has funny stories to share, but to this date I haven't really had an outlet to share them, other than on facebook! So now, tada, I get to share all my family stories! What's bad is that I'll probably end up blogging morning and night because lets face it, our lives are super exciting and fun to talk about and all my followers will be sitting at their computers eagerly anticipating when I might post something new!!

Last night I told Kev that I started a blog. His response, "haven't you already been blogging?" me "no, that was just facebook, this is an official family blog". Him "uh oh, should I worry?" HAHAHA. So I told him he may have to take a computer lesson so he can read about what's going on in our family too!

Noah and Harmony are going to a birthday party today, my sister is taking them (and addy too) so that Kev and I can work on the backyard and hopefully have the sod in by the end of the day. Harmony is in her high fashion attire of a leotard, a tutu skirt and cowgirl boots. Noah is wearing his new favorite outfit, surfer shorts, spitfire t-shirt, and to top it off, his baseball socks! You never know when you will start a new trend!! Photos to follow shortly but I have to first convince them that I need yet another photo of their adorableness! (okay so I went to take a photo and Noah said he needed to change his shirt because it's dirty..)

Now seriously.. tell me they are not the most adorable kids ever? Alright, gotta get back to actually working in the yard instead of playing. I'm sure I'll be posting photos of the finished product later this afternoon.. but really, you should be out enjoying this day and not sitting around reading my blog and waiting for me to post yet another exciting adventure in the life of a murray!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Noah won an award today for social studies. We are so proud of him. It's been a tough school year so him getting this meant a lot! As the sub was calling him up for his award he said "Noah Bowers, I love this guy".. and my heart smiled just a little! I love this boy!

my first official blog

Wow! I'm blogging. Not really sure what to blog about so I guess I'll just start with what's going on right now and we'll see how absolutely boring I can be! We are getting sod tomorrow! HURRAY. It's been a long wait but we actually lucked out and are paying $50 bucks for 500 square feet. So, as I sit here blogging my amazing husband is outside tilling the yard. Guess I'll owe him plenty of sexual favors later for this one! We are going to pick up the sod tomorrow and start putting it down. Then the week after that we are supposed to be getting the new play structure! All the kids (and me) are super excited! So now Kevin is tapping on the window asking if we have beer. I guess the correct response would be "I'll go get some". So with that note I'm signing off to run to 7-11!!