Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jerry Dunne

When I was in High School and going through confirmation through the church I met a man named Jerry Dunne. He was one of those older gentlemen who you couldn't help but enjoy. He was always happy, cheerful, and full of life. Even when it was obvious that his body was failiing him. He was aging but he was spirited. We shared the same birthday. Through the confirmation process I shared a lot of things about my life with him. Things I hadn't shared in detail with anyone else, things that I wasn't comfortable telling anyone else. I shared with him because I felt safe with him. I got used to seeing him at church on Sundays. I got used to knowing that when he looked at me, he knew me. I got used to the fact that I KNEW I could tell him ANYTHING and he would listen. He told me a lot of things that I can never forget, "you'll be a great impact in peoples lives one day", "strength comes in numbers, lean on people, trust people", "orange is your color, it's vibrant and full of life, and that is you".. at random times in my life these things stand out so clearly in my mind. Today I am thinking of him. He is that prickle on the back of my neck just now, he is that lump in my throat. He is the tear.. Though reasons quite unknown, HE is the one I remember. Love you Jerry, thanks for listening..