Friday, March 26, 2010

my first official blog

Wow! I'm blogging. Not really sure what to blog about so I guess I'll just start with what's going on right now and we'll see how absolutely boring I can be! We are getting sod tomorrow! HURRAY. It's been a long wait but we actually lucked out and are paying $50 bucks for 500 square feet. So, as I sit here blogging my amazing husband is outside tilling the yard. Guess I'll owe him plenty of sexual favors later for this one! We are going to pick up the sod tomorrow and start putting it down. Then the week after that we are supposed to be getting the new play structure! All the kids (and me) are super excited! So now Kevin is tapping on the window asking if we have beer. I guess the correct response would be "I'll go get some". So with that note I'm signing off to run to 7-11!!

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