Saturday, October 23, 2010


Yesterday was my 31st Birthday. Though it was simple, it really was a fabulous day. It started out with an apple fritter donut turned into a cake! The kids and Kev ran to the donut store and came up with a delicious creation of sugar for me! Then Kelly came over and we went out to Lupine Hill to ride. That was definitely what I needed. There's something about being on a horse that soothes the soul. It makes big stressful things seem small and insignificant. For the time we were out there I felt happy and relaxed!

After the ride Kelly and I came home to see what Kev was up to. He was planning on picking up the kids from school so Kelly took me out to get Old Juans. Luis (one of my daycare parents) is the manager there. He brought me a yummy dessert with a candle and then took care of our bill. I felt so loved! I'm lucky to have such awesome people in my life!

Then I came back home and Kev had picked up the kids. I got to take a nap for about an hour! The kids got home and wanted me to open presents. I got monopoly for us to play on our family game nights, Jillian Michaels Pilates DVD, weights, a new water bottle and a pedometer. Oh and a really pretty glass blown hair clip. Along with a lot of goodies that I got from my daycare parents!
We decided to go to the Village grill for Dinner. Kev and I both had gigantic salads and a beer while the kids chowed done on burgers and hot dogs. Then we ran to Albertsons to pick up some drinks and a movie. On the way out of Albertsons we somehow ended up having a puddle jumping fight in the parking lot!
We came back home and turned the living room into a theatre and watched beauty and the beast!! It could not have been a more pleasant day... and now.. I'm one year older.

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