Saturday, April 10, 2010

more spring break fun

Spring break has been awesome! I didn't realize how much our family needed some together time until it actually happened. I feel like we all had a chance to reconnect while relaxing and enjoying every day! Auntie Heather is back from Thailand and she came to visit! We did a few park trips, camping, bowling, the childrens museum, the drive in theater, the beach and then Kevin and I went on a pretty amazing hike on Saturday while the kids were at Auntie Megan's house. I guess all in all it really reminded me how fortunate I am to have my family. I don't get sentimental and mushy too often but I have to say that my husband is amazing. I'm so blessed to have him in my life. He has changed me in so many ways, made me a better more understanding person. My kids, well it goes without saying that I love them far beyond comprehension! Anyway, it's been a great break! Enjoy some of our moments!

Driving the trolley

Super Yummy Lunch

Noah walking Oso and Lily

Amazingly Harmony won a toy from the claw machine at Pismo Family Fun Center

Noah and Harmony riding the motorcycles

A walk to the beach from our campsite

Auntie Heather and Harmony trying to beat Noah at Guess Who

Happiness is...

home away from home

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