Monday, April 12, 2010

Rainy day

Well, it's Monday after Spring Break. I actually woke up ready for work this morning. Tired and groggy, but ready! Last night I was laying in bed thinking about how motherhood (and working with children every day) has made me both more smart and more dumb all in the same light. I feel like I've learned so much since becoming a mother, yet I feel like I've lost the grasp of how to be an adult and have an adult conversation. My mind fails me sometimes, even when I'm trying to think of simple words. And trying to sound like an intellect, well, that's just out of the question! I wonder what it would be like to work in an adult world now. Would I constantly be telling my peers to "use their words" or that I "like the way they are sharing"? That would be pretty comical! Sometimes I miss the days of being an adult and working in a place where I feel smart! Then again, I look at the work I'm doing here. I see how the children react to me, I feel the love from all of them, I see what I am teaching them and I feel like I am making a positive impact on their future. How could I not love what I'm doing? For the majority of the day all I do is play, and when I'm not playing I'm teaching, and when I'm not teaching I'm snuggling, or reading, or kissing a boo boo! I must be the worlds most blessed woman with the worlds most amazing job!

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