Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a moment in time

I only have a second before I have to start working but I wanted to write this so that I don't forget to later! Last night I was sitting on the couch reading to Noah and Harmony as we usually do. Then I carried Harmony to bed and went in Noah's room to tuck him in. As I leaned in to give him a hug I could smell his new axe body wash (yeah yeah.. i know..). The first thing that jumped into my heart was that some day all too soon some girl will be swooning every time she smells this smell because it will remind her of Noah! He told me while we were driving and listening to Jack Johnson that he wants learn how to play the piano and sing really loud because girls will really see how good he is. Yep, that's my boy!

They really do grow up way to fast!!

Here's a photo of Noah and Kevin building his new train table.

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