Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lompoc Aquatic Center

In celebration of Noah's 10th birthday we went to the Aquatic Center in Lompoc. I have to say I was completely impressed. We were able to rent the entire place and have it all to ourselves :)

The drive there was thrilling! With five boys and Harmony in the vehicle with Kev and I, you can only imagine the potty talk! I'm pretty sure that any time one of the boys said "butt" or "weiner" the entire car broke out in belly laughts and screams. Not to self, next time bring ear plugs!

I think everyone had an awesome time and we will definitely be going back again!!!

Here's NOah pulling the ropes to make the water come out of the spout Kevin just coming out of the water slide

Noah, Jake and Caden trying to figure out how it all works

All the boys getting ready to go down the slide. Noah, Caden, Jude, Jake and Ryan

Harmony's first time down the blue slide.

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