Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving and giving thanks

I'd like to start my entry by saying that you'll have to excuse me as I'm working off of 3 hours of sleep after a crazy Black Friday (Thursday really) event so my grammer, spelling or structure may be very poorly executed!

So, yesterday was Thanksgiving. I got up and put the turkey in at about 9 and Harmony helped me prep just about everything for the day. It was such a heartwarming thing to watch her help me peel potatoes. She even asked "did your dad show you how to do this when you had thanksgiving with him" I said "why do you think my dad would have shown me" and she replied "because peeling potatoes is a hard job, I think dad's can probably teach kids better". I"m still not sure if this was a blow to my potato peeling ability or if she was just making an innocent observation, but I thought it was sweet either way! Noah and Kevin did the stereotypical "men watch football" day. Kev likes to stick to making hotdogs, corndogs, macaronni and other such things that can safely be heated either in the oven, microwave or a bowl of water!

As the day progressed we had visitors straggling in and out. Kevin's friend from Junior high who he hasn't seen in 10+ years stopped by with his wife and four kids. They stayed for a short time and then went to have dinner with their family. Then The Reed crew and Megan and Addy and Georgia came over to eat with us. Little Miss P was cracking me up while she was hoisting one of our guinea pigs over her shoulder. She carried that thing around like a ragdoll "I got you, I got you" she kept saying.

After dinner was over Bill and his wife Sandra came back over for some wine and visiting without the interuption of all the kiddos. I asked Bill how Kev was when he was younger, to which he replied "the same". He said that Kev was always the guy that you could go to and talk to. He was the one you knew was always there. Trusty Kevin.

We were laying in bed and I turned to Kevin and thought about how he is still that, trusty Kevin. Reliable, trustworthy, honest, caring, genuine. Our lives have become so intertwined with each other that sometimes we forget to stop and appreciate what we are to and for each other. It was no accident how or when we met. I love that man beyond anything I could ever explain in words and I know (because I know) that he feels the same for me. This love, this life, this family that we have is not something that everyone gets to experience in their life. We are the lucky ones who have found each other, somehow..

We are thankful to be so blessed.

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