Monday, November 1, 2010

Noah's turning 10

I found this journal of mine sitting in the closet. I pulled it out to read it tonight, and this is what it said.


July 6th 2000

At three o'clock today we went in to have an ultrasound done. It was the most wonderful thing ever. We could see your little body moving around, you even kicked the ultrasound tech. We found out today that you are a boy, just what I thought. I almost cried when I saw your penis on the screen! It's so wonderful!! Now I know I'm going to have a son, and I'm going to name you Noah.


Noah, the day I had you seems like the day my life began. It was the day I realized things were worth doing, and doing well. It was the day I wanted to make something more of myself so that someone else would be proud of me. It was the day I realized what life was all about. You have taught me so many wonderful and beautiful things. You remind me every day that life is complicated and amazing all in the same breath. I love you so much and I'm so proud of the young man that you are becoming.

Happy 10th Birthday to you!

1 comment:

  1. That made tears come to my eyes!! Look how much more handsome he's gotten!! ANd now that he's a big boy he can "ride the rollers-coasters!" I'll never forget that toilet training episode!
    What a great mom you are Katie!
