Thursday, October 28, 2010


Ugh, My frustration with finding a costume may never come to an end this year. I swear I've been searching for months and either #1 can't find anything original or #2 can't find anything that will cover my tits and my ass. Stupid stupid slutty halloween costumes, how I loathe you.

So I think I've narrowed it down to being either a superhero Slut, a vampire slut, or just a slutty slut.

I'm sure there will be more to come.. and photos as well!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This morning I spent 30 extra minutes blow drying my hair, which by the way is a tedious task since I've decided to grow it out and now it's about mid back! I did this because my hair is heavy and wearing it in a ponytail is starting to give me a headache! ANYWAY.. I go into Harmony's room to rouse her for her school day. She opens her eyes..

me: "good morning Harmony, I've got the shower started for you."
Harmony: "thanks mommy"
me: "it should be ready now so let's hop up"
...she sits up in her bed...

Harmony: "ooooh.. so this is what your hair looks like when you wake up?"
me: "what do you mean?"
Harmony: "like all messy and stuff"

nice... nice.. so now when I take the time to blow dry my hair in the mornings I look like I just stepped out of bed.. awesome!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

grown ups

N "mom, how can grown ups remember everything?"
me "because we have special powers"
N "No mom, seriously?"
me "I don't think I can remember everything, I just try to remember the things that are important and not worry about the rest"
N " well, can you forget to wake us up on school days because that's not really that important"


me "I am making dinner right now so be patient"
N "I'm so hungry that my testicles are getting all twisted"
me "what?!"
N "you know, your testicles that are inside your body and they are all twisted?!"
me "ummm.. I'm pretty sure you mean your INTESTINES"
N "oh, yeah, intestines"..
(loooong pause)
me "Noah, do you know what testicles are?"
N "no, what?"
me "the things that you call your nuts"
N "ooooooohhhh.. well that was embarrassing"


Saturday, October 23, 2010


Yesterday was my 31st Birthday. Though it was simple, it really was a fabulous day. It started out with an apple fritter donut turned into a cake! The kids and Kev ran to the donut store and came up with a delicious creation of sugar for me! Then Kelly came over and we went out to Lupine Hill to ride. That was definitely what I needed. There's something about being on a horse that soothes the soul. It makes big stressful things seem small and insignificant. For the time we were out there I felt happy and relaxed!

After the ride Kelly and I came home to see what Kev was up to. He was planning on picking up the kids from school so Kelly took me out to get Old Juans. Luis (one of my daycare parents) is the manager there. He brought me a yummy dessert with a candle and then took care of our bill. I felt so loved! I'm lucky to have such awesome people in my life!

Then I came back home and Kev had picked up the kids. I got to take a nap for about an hour! The kids got home and wanted me to open presents. I got monopoly for us to play on our family game nights, Jillian Michaels Pilates DVD, weights, a new water bottle and a pedometer. Oh and a really pretty glass blown hair clip. Along with a lot of goodies that I got from my daycare parents!
We decided to go to the Village grill for Dinner. Kev and I both had gigantic salads and a beer while the kids chowed done on burgers and hot dogs. Then we ran to Albertsons to pick up some drinks and a movie. On the way out of Albertsons we somehow ended up having a puddle jumping fight in the parking lot!
We came back home and turned the living room into a theatre and watched beauty and the beast!! It could not have been a more pleasant day... and now.. I'm one year older.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Guardians

Last night we took the kids to see The Guardians. A pretty special treat for a school night!! They were so excited to go that I used it as a tool to get them to eat Chilli (which on any other given night it would NEVER have worked). Even Harmony ate it!!

The kids are dancing at various different schools next week with DPAC for red ribbon week. I asked Noah last week if he wanted to do it. (I was thinking he'd be to shy or embarrassed) His response was "YEAH mom, cuz then _______(insert girls name that he likes) will REALLY like me!" Oh boy!! I think Kev is going to get the day off so he can travel with them. I'm going to try to get the video camera set up for him since this will be their first official performance!

I gotta get the kiddos up and ready for school so I suppose this is me signing off.

Monday, October 18, 2010

new news

A few weeks ago we camped out at Lopez Lake. The weather was AMAZING. The water was nice and the kids got to enjoy swimming! Coincidentally some wonderful friends were camping out there as well so we got to reconnect with them!

Then on 10-10-10 we went to Riverside campground in Big Sur. Dan and Amanda had just finished raising their bridge in order to keep the campgrounds open year round so the grounds were still closed but we got to camp out anyway. On the way up we stopped at Main street grill in Cambria for lunch.
Then we stopped in San Simeon to see the elephant seals. We even got to see a sick elephant seal being rescued.

We had the entire grounds to ourselves. It was SO awesome!ON the way home on Sunday we stopped at the Jade festival. I'm pretty sure it was a huge friends reunion for Kev because every time we turned a corner he was hugging or shaking hands with someone else! The kids were super excited when they got their free pieces of Jade from one of said friends. Lucky kiddos!
Then stopped in the Town of Harmony and bought Harmony a "Harmony" shirt. This super nice lady at the glass blowing shop let the kids have some beach glass which they were SO excited about!
Overall it was an awesome trip and I can't wait to go again! It's always nice to see such wonderful people and remember the things we loved about living there.

Proud moments

Harmony with Miss Tahera Noah working on a hip hop dance

This morning as I was running with the dog listening to Alicia Keys on my MP3 I started thinking about how crazy life is and how PROUD I am of myself and my family for where we are right at this moment. Watching my kids do things they LOVE, seeing the beaming smile on their faces when they accomplish a new step.. really, its awesome! Noah is doing amazingly well at Hip Hop and continues to gain strength in different areas at the Pit (mixed martial arts). He is growing into such an awesome young man. Harmony has come full circle from the timid and quiet little girl she was two years ago! She loves her tap dancing! I absolutely LOVE watching them! I could not be a more proud parent!!