Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Guardians

Last night we took the kids to see The Guardians. A pretty special treat for a school night!! They were so excited to go that I used it as a tool to get them to eat Chilli (which on any other given night it would NEVER have worked). Even Harmony ate it!!

The kids are dancing at various different schools next week with DPAC for red ribbon week. I asked Noah last week if he wanted to do it. (I was thinking he'd be to shy or embarrassed) His response was "YEAH mom, cuz then _______(insert girls name that he likes) will REALLY like me!" Oh boy!! I think Kev is going to get the day off so he can travel with them. I'm going to try to get the video camera set up for him since this will be their first official performance!

I gotta get the kiddos up and ready for school so I suppose this is me signing off.

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