Monday, October 18, 2010

new news

A few weeks ago we camped out at Lopez Lake. The weather was AMAZING. The water was nice and the kids got to enjoy swimming! Coincidentally some wonderful friends were camping out there as well so we got to reconnect with them!

Then on 10-10-10 we went to Riverside campground in Big Sur. Dan and Amanda had just finished raising their bridge in order to keep the campgrounds open year round so the grounds were still closed but we got to camp out anyway. On the way up we stopped at Main street grill in Cambria for lunch.
Then we stopped in San Simeon to see the elephant seals. We even got to see a sick elephant seal being rescued.

We had the entire grounds to ourselves. It was SO awesome!ON the way home on Sunday we stopped at the Jade festival. I'm pretty sure it was a huge friends reunion for Kev because every time we turned a corner he was hugging or shaking hands with someone else! The kids were super excited when they got their free pieces of Jade from one of said friends. Lucky kiddos!
Then stopped in the Town of Harmony and bought Harmony a "Harmony" shirt. This super nice lady at the glass blowing shop let the kids have some beach glass which they were SO excited about!
Overall it was an awesome trip and I can't wait to go again! It's always nice to see such wonderful people and remember the things we loved about living there.

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