Sunday, October 24, 2010

grown ups

N "mom, how can grown ups remember everything?"
me "because we have special powers"
N "No mom, seriously?"
me "I don't think I can remember everything, I just try to remember the things that are important and not worry about the rest"
N " well, can you forget to wake us up on school days because that's not really that important"


me "I am making dinner right now so be patient"
N "I'm so hungry that my testicles are getting all twisted"
me "what?!"
N "you know, your testicles that are inside your body and they are all twisted?!"
me "ummm.. I'm pretty sure you mean your INTESTINES"
N "oh, yeah, intestines"..
(loooong pause)
me "Noah, do you know what testicles are?"
N "no, what?"
me "the things that you call your nuts"
N "ooooooohhhh.. well that was embarrassing"


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