Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This morning I spent 30 extra minutes blow drying my hair, which by the way is a tedious task since I've decided to grow it out and now it's about mid back! I did this because my hair is heavy and wearing it in a ponytail is starting to give me a headache! ANYWAY.. I go into Harmony's room to rouse her for her school day. She opens her eyes..

me: "good morning Harmony, I've got the shower started for you."
Harmony: "thanks mommy"
me: "it should be ready now so let's hop up"
...she sits up in her bed...

Harmony: "ooooh.. so this is what your hair looks like when you wake up?"
me: "what do you mean?"
Harmony: "like all messy and stuff"

nice... nice.. so now when I take the time to blow dry my hair in the mornings I look like I just stepped out of bed.. awesome!

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