Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving and giving thanks

I'd like to start my entry by saying that you'll have to excuse me as I'm working off of 3 hours of sleep after a crazy Black Friday (Thursday really) event so my grammer, spelling or structure may be very poorly executed!

So, yesterday was Thanksgiving. I got up and put the turkey in at about 9 and Harmony helped me prep just about everything for the day. It was such a heartwarming thing to watch her help me peel potatoes. She even asked "did your dad show you how to do this when you had thanksgiving with him" I said "why do you think my dad would have shown me" and she replied "because peeling potatoes is a hard job, I think dad's can probably teach kids better". I"m still not sure if this was a blow to my potato peeling ability or if she was just making an innocent observation, but I thought it was sweet either way! Noah and Kevin did the stereotypical "men watch football" day. Kev likes to stick to making hotdogs, corndogs, macaronni and other such things that can safely be heated either in the oven, microwave or a bowl of water!

As the day progressed we had visitors straggling in and out. Kevin's friend from Junior high who he hasn't seen in 10+ years stopped by with his wife and four kids. They stayed for a short time and then went to have dinner with their family. Then The Reed crew and Megan and Addy and Georgia came over to eat with us. Little Miss P was cracking me up while she was hoisting one of our guinea pigs over her shoulder. She carried that thing around like a ragdoll "I got you, I got you" she kept saying.

After dinner was over Bill and his wife Sandra came back over for some wine and visiting without the interuption of all the kiddos. I asked Bill how Kev was when he was younger, to which he replied "the same". He said that Kev was always the guy that you could go to and talk to. He was the one you knew was always there. Trusty Kevin.

We were laying in bed and I turned to Kevin and thought about how he is still that, trusty Kevin. Reliable, trustworthy, honest, caring, genuine. Our lives have become so intertwined with each other that sometimes we forget to stop and appreciate what we are to and for each other. It was no accident how or when we met. I love that man beyond anything I could ever explain in words and I know (because I know) that he feels the same for me. This love, this life, this family that we have is not something that everyone gets to experience in their life. We are the lucky ones who have found each other, somehow..

We are thankful to be so blessed.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Tonight I was driving to the outlet mall with Noah to pick out shirts for him and Kev to wear for our family photos tomorrow. Out of the blue he turned to me and said "mommy, do you have any secrets?" I asked him what he meant and he said "you know, do you have things in your head that nobody knows about". I got a little concerned that he might want to talk to me about something so I told him "yes, I think everyone has secrets Noah. It's not necessarily a bad thing as long as they aren't hurting anyone. Sometimes people just keep things to themselves because they are too personal to share". I asked him if he had any secrets and his response was "not right now, but I wonder if I will when I get older". He said he doesn't think he can have secrets from me because I'm his mom. I (of course) loved that answer. Then he got really quiet and said "I love you". It completely melted me. We talked about how he is getting older and he may feel like it will be hard to talk to me about things. I told him how I hope that we can always be close like we are now, and how I hope that he can always talk to me. He said he thinks he will because I "try to understand things". I think there must be a moment in your parenthood where you TRULY know you are doing a good job. For me, having that conversation did it. My son is ten, which means he has spent over half the time that he likely will living with me... which means I only likely have half of the time left. The weight of that truth is difficult, but I know, beyond a doubt, that we are raising an amazing child.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lompoc Aquatic Center

In celebration of Noah's 10th birthday we went to the Aquatic Center in Lompoc. I have to say I was completely impressed. We were able to rent the entire place and have it all to ourselves :)

The drive there was thrilling! With five boys and Harmony in the vehicle with Kev and I, you can only imagine the potty talk! I'm pretty sure that any time one of the boys said "butt" or "weiner" the entire car broke out in belly laughts and screams. Not to self, next time bring ear plugs!

I think everyone had an awesome time and we will definitely be going back again!!!

Here's NOah pulling the ropes to make the water come out of the spout Kevin just coming out of the water slide

Noah, Jake and Caden trying to figure out how it all works

All the boys getting ready to go down the slide. Noah, Caden, Jude, Jake and Ryan

Harmony's first time down the blue slide.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4th

Today I am thankful for the TV repair man. (soooo lame I know, but I paid a lot of money for this TV and it hasn't been working right since we got it!!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankful for..

Someone on Facebook posted that they are going to post something they are thankful for every day in November. I thought this would be good for me! I'm missing the first two days but better late than never!

Today I am Thankful that my children will eat cereal for dinner.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Noah's turning 10

I found this journal of mine sitting in the closet. I pulled it out to read it tonight, and this is what it said.


July 6th 2000

At three o'clock today we went in to have an ultrasound done. It was the most wonderful thing ever. We could see your little body moving around, you even kicked the ultrasound tech. We found out today that you are a boy, just what I thought. I almost cried when I saw your penis on the screen! It's so wonderful!! Now I know I'm going to have a son, and I'm going to name you Noah.


Noah, the day I had you seems like the day my life began. It was the day I realized things were worth doing, and doing well. It was the day I wanted to make something more of myself so that someone else would be proud of me. It was the day I realized what life was all about. You have taught me so many wonderful and beautiful things. You remind me every day that life is complicated and amazing all in the same breath. I love you so much and I'm so proud of the young man that you are becoming.

Happy 10th Birthday to you!

Trick or Treats

Halloween turned out to be so much fun. On Saturday night we went to the Devereaux house and partied. I'll admit I had one too many jello shots and had to stumble home, but it doesn't happen very often so I let myself! Then on Sunday evening we had Jeff and Patti and the gang, , Megan and Addy and the Mcneill clan over for a spaghetti dinner and then we all went trick or treating together. It's always fun to watch a gang of kids running through the night with buckets of candy.

Happy tale of the evening, i found a costume that wasn't completely terrible!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Ugh, My frustration with finding a costume may never come to an end this year. I swear I've been searching for months and either #1 can't find anything original or #2 can't find anything that will cover my tits and my ass. Stupid stupid slutty halloween costumes, how I loathe you.

So I think I've narrowed it down to being either a superhero Slut, a vampire slut, or just a slutty slut.

I'm sure there will be more to come.. and photos as well!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This morning I spent 30 extra minutes blow drying my hair, which by the way is a tedious task since I've decided to grow it out and now it's about mid back! I did this because my hair is heavy and wearing it in a ponytail is starting to give me a headache! ANYWAY.. I go into Harmony's room to rouse her for her school day. She opens her eyes..

me: "good morning Harmony, I've got the shower started for you."
Harmony: "thanks mommy"
me: "it should be ready now so let's hop up"
...she sits up in her bed...

Harmony: "ooooh.. so this is what your hair looks like when you wake up?"
me: "what do you mean?"
Harmony: "like all messy and stuff"

nice... nice.. so now when I take the time to blow dry my hair in the mornings I look like I just stepped out of bed.. awesome!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

grown ups

N "mom, how can grown ups remember everything?"
me "because we have special powers"
N "No mom, seriously?"
me "I don't think I can remember everything, I just try to remember the things that are important and not worry about the rest"
N " well, can you forget to wake us up on school days because that's not really that important"


me "I am making dinner right now so be patient"
N "I'm so hungry that my testicles are getting all twisted"
me "what?!"
N "you know, your testicles that are inside your body and they are all twisted?!"
me "ummm.. I'm pretty sure you mean your INTESTINES"
N "oh, yeah, intestines"..
(loooong pause)
me "Noah, do you know what testicles are?"
N "no, what?"
me "the things that you call your nuts"
N "ooooooohhhh.. well that was embarrassing"


Saturday, October 23, 2010


Yesterday was my 31st Birthday. Though it was simple, it really was a fabulous day. It started out with an apple fritter donut turned into a cake! The kids and Kev ran to the donut store and came up with a delicious creation of sugar for me! Then Kelly came over and we went out to Lupine Hill to ride. That was definitely what I needed. There's something about being on a horse that soothes the soul. It makes big stressful things seem small and insignificant. For the time we were out there I felt happy and relaxed!

After the ride Kelly and I came home to see what Kev was up to. He was planning on picking up the kids from school so Kelly took me out to get Old Juans. Luis (one of my daycare parents) is the manager there. He brought me a yummy dessert with a candle and then took care of our bill. I felt so loved! I'm lucky to have such awesome people in my life!

Then I came back home and Kev had picked up the kids. I got to take a nap for about an hour! The kids got home and wanted me to open presents. I got monopoly for us to play on our family game nights, Jillian Michaels Pilates DVD, weights, a new water bottle and a pedometer. Oh and a really pretty glass blown hair clip. Along with a lot of goodies that I got from my daycare parents!
We decided to go to the Village grill for Dinner. Kev and I both had gigantic salads and a beer while the kids chowed done on burgers and hot dogs. Then we ran to Albertsons to pick up some drinks and a movie. On the way out of Albertsons we somehow ended up having a puddle jumping fight in the parking lot!
We came back home and turned the living room into a theatre and watched beauty and the beast!! It could not have been a more pleasant day... and now.. I'm one year older.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Guardians

Last night we took the kids to see The Guardians. A pretty special treat for a school night!! They were so excited to go that I used it as a tool to get them to eat Chilli (which on any other given night it would NEVER have worked). Even Harmony ate it!!

The kids are dancing at various different schools next week with DPAC for red ribbon week. I asked Noah last week if he wanted to do it. (I was thinking he'd be to shy or embarrassed) His response was "YEAH mom, cuz then _______(insert girls name that he likes) will REALLY like me!" Oh boy!! I think Kev is going to get the day off so he can travel with them. I'm going to try to get the video camera set up for him since this will be their first official performance!

I gotta get the kiddos up and ready for school so I suppose this is me signing off.

Monday, October 18, 2010

new news

A few weeks ago we camped out at Lopez Lake. The weather was AMAZING. The water was nice and the kids got to enjoy swimming! Coincidentally some wonderful friends were camping out there as well so we got to reconnect with them!

Then on 10-10-10 we went to Riverside campground in Big Sur. Dan and Amanda had just finished raising their bridge in order to keep the campgrounds open year round so the grounds were still closed but we got to camp out anyway. On the way up we stopped at Main street grill in Cambria for lunch.
Then we stopped in San Simeon to see the elephant seals. We even got to see a sick elephant seal being rescued.

We had the entire grounds to ourselves. It was SO awesome!ON the way home on Sunday we stopped at the Jade festival. I'm pretty sure it was a huge friends reunion for Kev because every time we turned a corner he was hugging or shaking hands with someone else! The kids were super excited when they got their free pieces of Jade from one of said friends. Lucky kiddos!
Then stopped in the Town of Harmony and bought Harmony a "Harmony" shirt. This super nice lady at the glass blowing shop let the kids have some beach glass which they were SO excited about!
Overall it was an awesome trip and I can't wait to go again! It's always nice to see such wonderful people and remember the things we loved about living there.

Proud moments

Harmony with Miss Tahera Noah working on a hip hop dance

This morning as I was running with the dog listening to Alicia Keys on my MP3 I started thinking about how crazy life is and how PROUD I am of myself and my family for where we are right at this moment. Watching my kids do things they LOVE, seeing the beaming smile on their faces when they accomplish a new step.. really, its awesome! Noah is doing amazingly well at Hip Hop and continues to gain strength in different areas at the Pit (mixed martial arts). He is growing into such an awesome young man. Harmony has come full circle from the timid and quiet little girl she was two years ago! She loves her tap dancing! I absolutely LOVE watching them! I could not be a more proud parent!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a moment in time

I only have a second before I have to start working but I wanted to write this so that I don't forget to later! Last night I was sitting on the couch reading to Noah and Harmony as we usually do. Then I carried Harmony to bed and went in Noah's room to tuck him in. As I leaned in to give him a hug I could smell his new axe body wash (yeah yeah.. i know..). The first thing that jumped into my heart was that some day all too soon some girl will be swooning every time she smells this smell because it will remind her of Noah! He told me while we were driving and listening to Jack Johnson that he wants learn how to play the piano and sing really loud because girls will really see how good he is. Yep, that's my boy!

They really do grow up way to fast!!

Here's a photo of Noah and Kevin building his new train table.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Rainy day

Well, it's Monday after Spring Break. I actually woke up ready for work this morning. Tired and groggy, but ready! Last night I was laying in bed thinking about how motherhood (and working with children every day) has made me both more smart and more dumb all in the same light. I feel like I've learned so much since becoming a mother, yet I feel like I've lost the grasp of how to be an adult and have an adult conversation. My mind fails me sometimes, even when I'm trying to think of simple words. And trying to sound like an intellect, well, that's just out of the question! I wonder what it would be like to work in an adult world now. Would I constantly be telling my peers to "use their words" or that I "like the way they are sharing"? That would be pretty comical! Sometimes I miss the days of being an adult and working in a place where I feel smart! Then again, I look at the work I'm doing here. I see how the children react to me, I feel the love from all of them, I see what I am teaching them and I feel like I am making a positive impact on their future. How could I not love what I'm doing? For the majority of the day all I do is play, and when I'm not playing I'm teaching, and when I'm not teaching I'm snuggling, or reading, or kissing a boo boo! I must be the worlds most blessed woman with the worlds most amazing job!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

more spring break fun

Spring break has been awesome! I didn't realize how much our family needed some together time until it actually happened. I feel like we all had a chance to reconnect while relaxing and enjoying every day! Auntie Heather is back from Thailand and she came to visit! We did a few park trips, camping, bowling, the childrens museum, the drive in theater, the beach and then Kevin and I went on a pretty amazing hike on Saturday while the kids were at Auntie Megan's house. I guess all in all it really reminded me how fortunate I am to have my family. I don't get sentimental and mushy too often but I have to say that my husband is amazing. I'm so blessed to have him in my life. He has changed me in so many ways, made me a better more understanding person. My kids, well it goes without saying that I love them far beyond comprehension! Anyway, it's been a great break! Enjoy some of our moments!

Driving the trolley

Super Yummy Lunch

Noah walking Oso and Lily

Amazingly Harmony won a toy from the claw machine at Pismo Family Fun Center

Noah and Harmony riding the motorcycles

A walk to the beach from our campsite

Auntie Heather and Harmony trying to beat Noah at Guess Who

Happiness is...

home away from home

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Break Day 1

Today we went to the park. It was cold out but the kids had fun anyway! Noah brought his bike and rode around for most of the time but then decided to become the troll ON the bridge and he chased Addy and Harmony around for a while!

Harmony and Addy played on the slide. I love listening to them laugh and play!

Then we went to Denny's for lunch and milkshakes!

Overall it was a pretty fun day. I wish the wind hadn't been so cold because I wanted to hang at the park longer but I had shorts on and was freezin'!

Quote of the day

"Mommy, I don't want these chocolate chip pancakes because I didn't know they were going to taste like chocolate chip pancakes" Harmony

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

This Easter started on Friday with an Easter Egg hunt with the daycare kiddos

Then Yesterday (Saturday) Kevin took the kids to the beach and I stayed at home and cleaned and just relaxed for the afternoon. Kev and the kids came home around 3 and we decorated Easter eggs

Then Saturday evening the Kids went to the Bravo's house and Kevin and I went to the Cohen Center (cal poly) and watched the cast of who's line is in anyway in a live show. It was soooo fun! We laughed so much! I think we both agreed that we need to go out more often!!!

This morning the kids slept in until about nine. (crazy, I know! but oh so nice) They were excited because the easter bunny hid eggs inside the house this year due to the rainy forecast! They hunted for eggs and dug into their baskets!

We cleaned up our mess and had the kids get dressed.. (this was Harmony's easter attire.. good thing she has two easter dresses in her closet!!)

We headed to the dunes to meet up with uncle Mike. Noah rode on the quad..

Uncle Mike drove his unimog, Harmony and Daddy drove in the bronco, Cassandra, Ashley, Mark and I rode together in the razor...

As we were leaving the kids and I tried to steal uncle Mike's new puppy Jack!

but we got caught..

We got home at about 4 and put the ham in the oven.. We had a lovely dinner of Ham, mashed potatoes, pineapple, apple sauce and green beans. Amazingly Noah ate all the mashed potatoes I forced onto his plate and even tried radishes and claims he loves them!! (we'll see how long until he's "not into them" anymore!!) Now the kids are all jammied up and we are hanging out watching some sci fi show. Yep, you know me, can't get me away from the crazy alien and giant mutant bug shows. (note my sarcasm..) Overall it was a lovely Easter filled with good people. Hope all of yours was the same!!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The blog blog

Alright, so far I think I'm addicted. Our family always has funny stories to share, but to this date I haven't really had an outlet to share them, other than on facebook! So now, tada, I get to share all my family stories! What's bad is that I'll probably end up blogging morning and night because lets face it, our lives are super exciting and fun to talk about and all my followers will be sitting at their computers eagerly anticipating when I might post something new!!

Last night I told Kev that I started a blog. His response, "haven't you already been blogging?" me "no, that was just facebook, this is an official family blog". Him "uh oh, should I worry?" HAHAHA. So I told him he may have to take a computer lesson so he can read about what's going on in our family too!

Noah and Harmony are going to a birthday party today, my sister is taking them (and addy too) so that Kev and I can work on the backyard and hopefully have the sod in by the end of the day. Harmony is in her high fashion attire of a leotard, a tutu skirt and cowgirl boots. Noah is wearing his new favorite outfit, surfer shorts, spitfire t-shirt, and to top it off, his baseball socks! You never know when you will start a new trend!! Photos to follow shortly but I have to first convince them that I need yet another photo of their adorableness! (okay so I went to take a photo and Noah said he needed to change his shirt because it's dirty..)

Now seriously.. tell me they are not the most adorable kids ever? Alright, gotta get back to actually working in the yard instead of playing. I'm sure I'll be posting photos of the finished product later this afternoon.. but really, you should be out enjoying this day and not sitting around reading my blog and waiting for me to post yet another exciting adventure in the life of a murray!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Noah won an award today for social studies. We are so proud of him. It's been a tough school year so him getting this meant a lot! As the sub was calling him up for his award he said "Noah Bowers, I love this guy".. and my heart smiled just a little! I love this boy!

my first official blog

Wow! I'm blogging. Not really sure what to blog about so I guess I'll just start with what's going on right now and we'll see how absolutely boring I can be! We are getting sod tomorrow! HURRAY. It's been a long wait but we actually lucked out and are paying $50 bucks for 500 square feet. So, as I sit here blogging my amazing husband is outside tilling the yard. Guess I'll owe him plenty of sexual favors later for this one! We are going to pick up the sod tomorrow and start putting it down. Then the week after that we are supposed to be getting the new play structure! All the kids (and me) are super excited! So now Kevin is tapping on the window asking if we have beer. I guess the correct response would be "I'll go get some". So with that note I'm signing off to run to 7-11!!